Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.

Archive by Author

Introducing “30 day free trial” accounts

Last May, we launched free Community accounts on ScraperWiki. We’ve since found that the limit on number of datasets isn’t enough to convert heavy users into paying customers. This matters, because we want to invest more in improving the product, and adding new tools. Today, we’re pleased to announce that we’re introducing a new Free Trial […]

ScraperWiki and Enemy Images

This is a guest blog post by Elizaveta Gaufman, a researcher and lecturer at the University of Tübingen. The theme of my PhD dissertation is enemy images in contemporary Russia. However, I am not only interested in the governmental rhetoric which is relatively easy to analyse, but also in the way enemy images are circulating on […]

The best data opens itself on UK Gov’s Performance Platform

This is third in a series of posts about the UK Government’s Performance Platform, cross-posted on the OKFN blog as it is about open data. Part 1 introduced why the platform is exciting, and part 2 described how it worked inside. The best data opens itself. No need to make Freedom of Information requests to pry the information […]

Underneath the hood of Government’s Performance Platform

In the previous post I described what the UK Government’s new Performance Platform (made by GDS) is for. Today’s question is, how does it work? I’ve found out two ways. Firstly, thanks to Alex Muller from GDS, who talked me through the platform. Secondly, all the code is freely available on Github, which is pretty. Component parts There […]

3 reasons the Government’s Performance Platform is exciting

The UK Government (via GDS) is gradually rolling out a new performance platform. It’s exciting for lots of reasons, and getting less attention than it deserves. Here are three reasons I’m excited. 1. It makes government services easier to use To me, the most exciting part is that it will make it easier for me, […]

Scrape anyone’s Twitter followers

Following our popular tool which makes it easy to scrape and download tweets, we’re pleased to announce a new one to get any Twitter account’s followers. To use it, log into ScraperWiki, choose “Create a new dataset” then pick the tool Then enter the name of the user you want (with or without the @). If they […]

Uploading a (structured) spreadsheet

We’ve made a new tool to help you upload a structured spreadsheet. That is to say, one that contains a table with headers. I’m trying it out with an old spreadsheet of expenses from when I worked at mySociety. If your spreadsheet isn’t consistent enough, it tells you where you’ve gone wrong. In my case, I […]

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