Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.

Tag Archives | video

Have a Happy Open Data Day with ScraperWiki

Tomorrow is Open Data Day, and if you’re planning on hacking the web with the Open Knowledge Foundation or Random Hacks of Kindness or your own data hack of choice, here’s some fuel for your fight ( and if you’ve already driven our digger then check out the last video on our API so you […]

Start Talking to Your Data – Literally!

Because ScraperWiki has a SQL database and an API with SQL extraction, I can SQL inject (haha!) straight into the API URL and use the JSON output. So what does all that mean? I scraped the CSV files of Special Advisers’ meetings gifts and hospitalities at Number 10. This is being updated as the data […]

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