Hi! We've renamed ScraperWiki.
The product is now QuickCode and the company is The Sensible Code Company.

Archive by Author

Data Science (and ScraperWiki) comes to the Cabinet Office

The Cabinet Office is one of the most vital institutions in British government, acting as the backbone to all decision making and supporting the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in their running of the the United Kingdom. On the 19th of November, I was given an opportunity to attend an event run by this important […]

Exploring Stack Exchange Open Data

Inspired by my long commute and the pretty dreadful EDM music blasting out in my gym, I’ve found myself on a bit of a podcast kick lately. Besides my usual NPR fare (If you’ve not yet listened to an episode of This American Life with Ira Glass, you’ve missed out), I’ve been checking out the […]

We’ve migrated to EC2

When we started work on the ScraperWiki beta, we decided to host it ‘in the cloud’ using Linode, a PaaS (Platform as a Service) provider. For the uninitiated, Linode allows people to host their own virtual Linux servers without having to worry about things like maintaining their own hardware. On April 15th 2013, Linode were […]

Scraping for kittens

Like most people who possess a pulse and an internet connection, I think kittens are absurdly cute and quite possibly the vehicle in which humanity will usher in an era of world peace. I mean, who doesn’t? They’re adorable. I was genuinely curious as to what country has the cutest kittens. I therefore decided to […]

Hi, I’m Matthew Hughes

Hello! My name is Matthew Hughes, and I am Scraperwiki’s newest intern, where I will be working predominantly on product and tools alongside the likes of Chris Blower and David Jones. Currently, I’m reading Computing at Liverpool Hope University, where I am about to enter my second year of study. When I’m not hammering out […]

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